Tea is an aromatic beverage, which is typically prepared hot. Tea is made from a plant called Camellia Sinensis which is normally grown in China, India, and other east Asian countries. Tea is the most consumed drink universally after water. Studies have found that some teas help with cancer, heart disease, and diabetes to name
Seems like everyone knows how to make a perfect cup of tea. There are always debates on whether milk is first in or after, time to steep, type of teapot to be used to brew, and so on. But let’s see what the experts say. As per Scientists at Northumbria’s School of Life Science have discovered that the
A type of tea made of Camellia sinensis leaves, Green tea originated in China and has since spread over to other countries of East Asia, in both production and manufacturing. The foremost reason for this extensive use of green tea has been the health benefits it brings with itself. Due to being loaded with anti-oxidants, Green tea